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edição 2013

O Coletivo Nova 10ordem está promovendo mais pelo 6 ano o "Papai Noel Desordeiro" com arrecadação de valores para compra de brinquedos, arrecadação de brinquedos NOVOS, ou brinquedos reciclados, para crianças de 6 bairros distintos da cidade que já sofrem atuação de ações do coletivo. OBS: os brinquedos já podem ser entregues no Museu de Stret Art Salvador (MUSAS) NA Comunidade Solar do Unhão - ao lado do MAM

O projeto de natal esta dividido em dois períodos distintos o período de coleta e campanha de brinquedos e dinheiro para a festa, que normalmente começa no dia primeiro de dezembro e vai ate o dia 20, e as festas de distribuição.

Edição -2012

começamos a campanha de arrecadação 2012 os viras e memes do facebook para como principal mote de pedido

depois dos presentes chegando, fizemos a convocação dos duendes  embaladores e transportadores

quando começamos a campanha pensando em uma unica  comunidade a da Massaranduba e caso sobrasse presentes íamos ar também no solar do unhão, mais foi tanto presente que tivemos que aumentar o numero de locai a serem distribuidos.

 Massaranduba o primeiro local Papai noel Marcos Rezende

Distribuição no Solar do Unhão Papai noel Pietro Gallina

distribuição No Beco do Sabão papai noel:Zaca Oliveira

Edição -2011

Papai Noel Desordeiro - Santa in Massaranduba

Santa in Massaranduba
A NOVA 10 ORDEM, com o apoio de Giovanna Carnosa, amiga italiana, e do ICBIE, organizou pelo quarto ano consecutivo a festa de Natal na comunidade da Massaranduba.  Esta pequena mobilização de Natal, mostra que o trabalho social mesmo com poucos recursos pode fazer muito. Principalmente quando se trata de ver a felicidade estampada no rosto das crianças, como declara Marcos Prisk, um dos organizadores. E o que nós desejamos é que esta alegria não seja somente no dia de Natal, mas que seja durante todo o ano
The Nova 10 Ordem crew of street artists, with the support of their Italian friend Giovanna Carnosa and of the ICBIE, organized for the fourth consecutive year a Christmas Party for the community of Massaranduba. This local holiday mobilization shows how even a small scale event can nonetheless do a great deal.  Especially when it comes to seeing happiness stamped on the faces of the children, as Marcos Prisk, one of the organizers, declared.  And what we desire most is that this joy isn’t limited to the day of Christmas, but that it lasts for the whole year.
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Bigod & Pietro
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba

Edição -2010

Santa in Massaranduba
Once again this Christmas, Pietro donned his red clothes and gathered the ICBIE friends (Veronique, Marcella and Ivanildo, Alberto,  Marcos, Bigode and little Ikaro) for an afternoon of gift-giving in the streets of Massaranduba, bringing a lot of joy to throngs of excited kids.  This year, the purchase of gifts and sweets was made possible thanks to the generosity of our dear friend Giovanna Carnosa, who recently made a quick visit to Salvador.  The excellent organization of the event was handled by Marcos.  We thank these friends for their help in maintaining this wonderful ICBIE tradition.
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba
Alberto Veronique
Bigode IkRO
Marcella & Ivanildo Santa in Massaranduba

Edição -2009

Santa in Massaranduba
For the second consecutive Christmas Eve, the crowded and sprawling area of Massaranduba was visited by three ICBIE Santas, Pietro, Alberto and Roy, who distributed gifts to the children of this impoverished (and often desperately violent) area of Salvador.   But behind the scenes, the generosity of three people made this joyous event possible:  Mary Norris, who kept a collection box on her desk at the New Yorker magazine for the last twelve months; Giovanna Carnosa, who led a group of kids, fundraising in Pescara, Italy; and longtime supporter Veronique Gob, who is currently staying at the ICBIE with her family.  And then there were our artists Julio, Bigode, Marcos, and the crew from Nova10Ordem, along with all the ICBIE volunteers, who prepared the event and gathered everyone together.
One by one, the children were called by name to come up to collect their present, as well as a bag of sweets.   Afterward, there were cakes and refreshments, while the delighted kids played with their new toys.
Santa in Massaranduba
Roy, Pietro & Alberto Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Fabio
Bigode, Julio, Pietro & Alberto Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Icaro & Bigode
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba

Edição -2008

Santa in Massaranduba,

The economic crisis weighs on everybody, but the ICBIE continues to sieze every opportunity to bring hope and joy to the local community.  To celebrate Christmas, Pietro became Babbo natale and led an expedition into the distressed neighborhood of Massaranduba, which, poised between Ribeira and Uruguai, is a ten minute walk from the Institute.  He was accompanied by Julio and Bigode, Veronique, and, celebrating their second consecutive Christmas at the ICBIE, the five members of the Fabozzi family from Rome (Salvatore, Emanuela, Francesca, Alice and Gabriele).  The small children that swarmed to meet them along the broken streets screamed with excitement.  The procession arrived at Lu’s house and her daughters Lais and Thaiane joined the party.
Santa in Massaranduba  Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba
Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba 

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